Learning Together
Community Book (+ art) Club on Anti-Racism
Join the Paint Love staff for a 12 week series (via ZOOM, meeting every other week) exploring the book “White Supremacy and Me” by Layla Saad. Each session will provide a safe space for discussions around educating and challenging ourselves on the work of becoming actively anti-racist, as well as include a simple art prompt to help process experiences and emotions.
Since this book is sold out in most retailers, we encourage you to download a digital copy or audio book. Although we are typically staunch advocates for supporting local, independent bookstores, you can find this title now for $8 on Amazon and download a free Kindle App on your phone or computer even if you don’t have a Kindle.
We will meet 6 times over 12 weeks. If you want to sign up, please try to ensure that you can commit to doing all of the readings (you will have 2 weeks to do 7 days of readings and reflection prompts as laid out in the book). This will be a safe space for learning and working to become actively anti-racist. While this group is open to all white people and BIPOC, this book specifically reflects on the work of tearing down internal racial biases. Please come with an open, willing attitude to delve into challenging self-reflective work.
Please reach out if you have questions!