Spoken Word Workshops with Kate's Club
This is a special guest post by Paint Love Summer Intern & GSU student, Victoria Allen.
"We all came from different places, but we're all coming from the same place"
Paint love partnered with Kate's Club on June 4th and 26th to present in a brand new art form for Paint Love, spoken word! We collaborated with spoken word artist, Ashley Haze and Mista Funn to create an therapeutic activity for students dealing with grief and loss.
Daryl led out on June 4th, with a group activity to break the ice. Having experienced the loss of his sister, Daryl demonstrated how spoken word can release some of the built up feelings the students may identify with.
Students worked together adding teamwork and fun during the activites
Similar to Daryl's workshop, Ashley Haze led out on June 26th for more expression through spoken word. Ashley began the workshop with haiku poems, preparing the students for the free verse shortly after.
Proceeding the spoken word portion, Paint Love staff and volunteers brought art supplies to help the students express their spoken word poems in another way. The overall goal for the workshop was for the students to write a piece and then create a painting reflecting their piece. Students designed magnificent pieces, some reflecting their poem and others made what they felt.
We absolutely loved combining two art forms to create this therapeutic, fun filled experience. We look forward to our next workshop with Kate's Club!