Creative projects on themes of diversity, race, + taking action
Explore complex emotions
You as well as the children in your life might be experiencing a lot of big feelings right now, and sometimes it’s hard to know what to do with them. Learning to identify feelings can help us figure out how to respond intentionally to emotions- whether we just need to sit with them, harness them for action, or shift them. Create a Mood Meter and play a board game exploring different emotions.
Embrace different backgrounds
Listen to the books “Home” by Carson Ellis, and “Last Stop on Market Street” by Matt de la Pena, and create a recycled material city, talking about safe spaces and what it takes to make a community that is safe and peaceful for everyone.
Celebrate identity and diversity
Multi- cultural art supplies
Make sure your art room is stocked with supplies that let kids create representations of themselves and others who look different than them!
→ Check out Crayola’s more inclusive Multicultural kit
Take Action
Looking for creative projects you can do with your kids to talk about taking action to help your community or other communities? Throughout history, art has played an important role in social activism and community change. Here are three projects you can do together with kids to take action.